How Often Will You Be Seen
Regular visits to the Cystic Fibrosis Center lead to a healthier you. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation requires four quarterly visits per year as the minimum standard of care. We want to see you winter, spring, summer and fall!
Newborns (or newly diagnosed patients at any age) will be seen weekly for the first 4 visits, then bi-weekly, and eventually monthly.
Toddlers and up, including adult patients, settle into a routine of seeing their CF physician every two months, unless additional appointments are medically necessary.
College Students may not be able to get in every two months, but we will schedule appointments to coincide with school breaks, and will coordinate with your school's health center whenever possible.
Patients on IV treatments will be seen weekly or as prescribed.
Please note: this is merely a guide. Each patient has different medical needs, and appointments will be scheduled as medically necessary.
Remember - the more you see your team, the healthier you will stay!
Social Worker/Nutritionist Visits
Patients will meet with the team social worker and nutritionist at least once a year - but most will be seen on a quarterly basis or as needed.